Yesterday our teacher reviewed Chapter 19 of Revelation
My goal is to study a little bit more in dept and use references scriptures..
Inductive Bible Study
Who, What, When, Why, Where, How
God's Judgements Are True
Revelation 19:1 AMP
19 After this I heard what sounded like a mighty shout of a great crowd in heaven, exclaiming, Hallelujah (praise the Lord)! Salvation and glory (splendor and majesty) and power (dominion and authority) [belong] to our God!
Note; After reading this, my first set of questions:
Who is talking:
Why are they shouting?
Who is shouting?
Reference scriptures: REv 19:1
Rev. 11:15; Rev. 4:11; Rev. 7:10, 12; Rev. 12:10
Revelation 11:15Amplified Bible (AMP)
15 The seventh angel then blew [his] trumpet, and there were mighty voices in heaven, shouting, The dominion (kingdom, sovereignty, rule) of the world has now come into the possession and become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ (the Messiah), and He shall reign forever and ever (for the eternities of the eternities)!
Revelation 4:11Amplified Bible (AMP)
11 Worthy are You, our Lord and God, to receive the glory and the honor and dominion, for You created all things; by Your will they were [brought into being] and were created.
Revelation 7:10Amplified Bible (AMP)
10 In loud voice they cried, saying, [Our] salvation is due to our God, Who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb [to Them we owe our deliverance]!
12 Amen! (So be it!) they cried. Blessing and glory and majesty and splendor and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and might [be ascribed] to our God to the ages and ages (forever and ever, throughout the eternities of the eternities)! Amen! (So be it!)
Revelation 12:10Amplified Bible (AMP)
10 Then I heard a strong (loud) voice in heaven, saying, Now it has come—the salvation and the power and the kingdom (the dominion, the reign) of our God, and the power (the sovereignty, the authority) of His Christ (the Messiah); for the accuser of our brethren, he who keeps bringing before our God charges against them day and night, has been cast out!
Note: Commentary in my bible
19:1-4 The "great multitude" singing the "Hallelujah Chorus (vv. 1,3,4,6) was taken to heaven in 7:9 and are identified as the heaven dwellers by comparing 7:15 and 13:5. They now praise God for (1) their salvation and (2) His righteous judgements upon Babylon, the great where (17:1), thus avenginghe blood of His servants, the martyrs (see note at 6:9-11). On the 24 elders, see noter a 4:3,4 on the four living beasts, see note at 4:6-7
Back to my questions:
Also, I read the front of the chapter to see what this chapter is about
The REVELATION of Saint John the Divine
The resurrected, glorified Son of Man (Jesus Christ) revealed Himself to the apostle John, who had been imprisoned "in the isle that is called Patmos" (1:9). Christ's twofold purpose was (1) to "unveil" a spiritual diagnosis for seven of the churches in Asia Minor with which John was familar (chaps. 2-3) and (2) to reveal to John a series of visions setting forth events and factors related to the end times (chaps. 4-22)
Who is talking: John
Why are they shouting? They was praising God for Salvation and God's righteous judgements on Babylon
Who is shouting? The "great multitude"
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