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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

STRONGHOLDS (Cont.) Part II - Generational StrongHolds

Andrea's Disclaimer:
Please note: This study and most of this information was researched and organized by First Lady Gail Twymon of The Blessed Hope Missionary Baptist Church

I by no means am taking any credit for this information:  I am simplying blogging it so I and others can have access to via an online medium:


God created us with seven needs:
1.      DIGNITY
4.      SECURITY

The apostle Paul enlists the word “stronghold” to define the spiritual fortresses where Satan and his legions go for protection.  These fortresses exist in the thought-patterns and ideas that govern individuals in their homes, workplaces and churches, as well as in communities and nations.  Before victory can be claimed, these strongholds must be pulled down.  Only then can the mighty weapons of the Word and the Spirit effectively plunder Satan’s house   As Paul States

The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world.  On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.  We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christians (2 Cor. 10:4-5).

Here is an example of getting a better understanding of the operation of spiritual strongholds.  Look at the symptoms: Does this fit you?

·         A need of recognition from performance (civic projects, sports, business success)
·         An emphasis on building financial security (i.e.work-aholics)
·         A lack of emotional intimacy
·         A works-based relationship toward God
·         A tendency to over-control people and circumstances
Strongholds  work at the subconscious levels and are not easily recognized until a major crisis in a person’s life forces him or her to look deeper at the root causes of the problem.  I learned that one root of the religious spirit is control.  Man does not want to give up control over this life, so he creates controlled systems designed to make him feel acceptable by God.  Again, this is a works-based attempt to gain God’s favor, which invalidates the work of the cross.  The sequence of how these strongholds develop in an individual is as follows;

1.       Satanic-inspired thoughts are introduced into the person’s mind.
2.      The individual entertains these thoughts, which bring out emotions.
3.      Giving in to these emotions eventually leads the person to take some sort of action.
4.      Continual participation in the action causes the individual to develop a habit.
5.      As the habit develops, a stronghold is built.
Imagine being born with a pair of sunglasses on.  You would grow up looking at the world through those sunglasses.  You never would know that you could see better without the sunglasses unless someone revealed this to you.  Now imagine taking those glasses off for the first time and seeing the inside of a room much brighter and clearer.  Strongholds operate this way.  They masquerade as if they are part of our personality, and we accept them for our whole life.  However, the truth is that Jesus wants to totally renew our minds and hearts.  Strongholds keep us from getting restored.

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