I have tried to "Quit" (specific sins..XXX) .. X - you can name yours
What I have learned over the years.. when you quit specific sins, you must replace it with something productive, something Godly.
Quitting Cold Turkey = You stop all the things you believe is displeasing God.. BUT you don't replace it with something productive.
It reminds me of the parable that Jesus told about the man cleaning out his house. He had a demon in the house, he cleaned it out. Now, he's happy (for the moment). But he leaves his house clean. Then the demon finds the house clean and goes and get 7 other demons that's worse than him and they all come back and occupy the house.
Note: House in this scripture is the man's body
Read: Matthew 12:43-45
What you do and How you do it does matter..
What I BELIEVE IS.. If you replace that time with building a solid relationship with Christ on a CONSISTENT basis.. then everything else will fall into place. Those things you enjoy currently that doesn't please God, you won't enjoy them as much and eventually, not at all.
Been there and done that.. All the stuff "I stop doing" Cold Turkey, EVENTUALLY, I went back to it.
I've been on this Christian race for over 30 years.. and Cold Turkey doesn't work for me.
Here is the conversation..
Still full from yesterday's sermon:
Right Right!!! I was on it! The conviction was there and now the follow through.
I love when He said.. raise your hand if you want to loose 35 lbs..and before anyone could get there hand in the air real good..he said.. so why don't you?
or What's stopping you.. ? I knew that was a setup.. I didn't even bothering raising my hand.
I realize.. anything we want to do ..99.9% of the time..its us that's stopping US from accomplishing it...
I do recognize that there are other factors that come into place, (resources, devil, kids, spouses, )etc.. but at the end of the day..ITS US..THAT STOPS US FROM DOING WHATEVER..
So anywho..I'm pumped! and I agree..You can not STOP COLD Turkey.. Not successfully ..(on a long term basis).. been there done that
I am taking baby steps.. I'm recommitting reading my bible daily.. (that's big for me..but VERY necessarily).. That's the only way to rebuild a solid relationship with God.. You have to put TIME IN It!
Then Bible Class, Sunday School, Revival.. those all are the extra things that assist with having a solid relationship with God.. You NEED those as well
Its like wanting to live a healthy lifestyle. Exercise alone is not enough, You must get the proper rest and eat right. Even with Exercise... cardio alone is not enough. You must put some resistance in there.. some stretching..
Its a formula. I can relate this Christian Race with preparing for a 5k Race.. I understand what you need to succeed.. its very similar to the Christian race.
I feel once your relationship is solid and consistent with Christ..and its steadily growing ..everything else will fall into place.. (i.e. convictions about what you do, where you do it, etc) ..Things that doesn't please God will fall off naturally ..
In the past..I tried to quit cold turkey.. but without building that relationship with God (consistently)..my efforts didn't last.. And most importantly..we can't do anything in our own power anyways.. You need the help of the HOLY Spirit ..in all of this..
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