Taught: by John Twymon
Monday, February 22, 2010
Four types of Love; Eros, Agape, Storge, Phileo
What I didn't know that was that Eros (Errotic), Agape (Unconditional), storge, phileo (brotherly love) is needed in relationships at the church.
All types of those loves are needed to have a successful church relationship, friendship, marriage, etc.
I thought Eros was only between the Husband and Wife but he gave examples of how this is needed in our christian relationships as well.
(I don't remember any specific examples)
He just gave many many examples that I could relate too regarding - why we treat each other so poorly is because we only have the phileo (brotherly) love for one another. We don't have agape love. He gave examples in marriage, how if the wife is not loved by her husband how she think she should be love..she closes are legs at night or stop cooking; if that is how she show love;
Likewise, if men do not feel like the wife is loving him the way he ought to be love; he stop doing for her (bringing the check home or stay out late..or watch sports in the basement until she goes to bed so he doesn't have to feed her emotional needs, give her what she is due). He gave testimony from his marriage;
It was so many examples and I could either put me and erik in his examples or other couples that I know
My mouth was open the whole time and I was on the edge of my seat due to how real and 'RAW' he was..much like his dad
Just putting the dirty truth out there (..and this was just the intro)
He said, How many of us like to hang with your church family, raise your hand? Some folks raised their hands and he said, now don't lie, really think about this question; cause some of you, I wouldn't dare hang around you all.. I hate some of you church folks. I wouldn't even watch a game on TV with some of you. He said that's because I'm lacking in my brotherly love. He said, he heard some men didn't want to watch the superbowl down at the church with the other brothers because they are lacking brother love too.
We really don't have a clue about love and this is why we treat each other with kindness until you stop loving me the way I think you should. If you don't give me that smile or you don't speak to me..I no longer love you; More specifically, I just stop doing for you!
He gave lots of raw marriage examples..those poor single folks..When you first start dating, you can't get enough of them.
He talked about even when the wife isn't doing her duty..what does that have to do with him? AGape love means love her anyway..still treat her nice, still feed her emotional needs; Likewise, if the man don't love you the way he ought; "someone in the class yelled out, still cook him breakfast"..John was like..OH yeah..say that girl!
John was dealing with how we take revenge out on folks if they don't love us the way we think we should be love or seek love somewhere else 'as a replacement';
*********** FROM HANDOUT *****************|
Depends on beauty or goodness and therefore needs arousing. When this love is attributed to God it perverts the gospel into conditional good news or good advice: Matt. 19:16-27; John 9:14-31 A. UNCONDITIONAL
Is spontaneous, uncaused, and independent of our goodness. This is why God redeemed us: Rom. 5:6-10; Eph. 2:1-6, 8,9; Titus 3:3-5
Fluctuates and is unreliable: Luke 22:31-34 (Divorce rate in U.S.) B. CHANGELESS
Everlasting and never fails: Jer. 31:3; 1 Cor. 13:8; Jn. 13:1; Rom. 8:35-39
Egocentric; therefore always ascending, socially, politically, academically, economically, and even religiously: Isa. 53:6; Phil. 2:21 (Satan is the originator of this self principle and infected man with it at the Fall.) Ezk. 28:14, 15; Isa. 14:12-14 C. SELF-EMPTYING (AGAPE)
Selfless; therefore will step down for the benefit of others: 1 Cor. 13:5; 2 Cor. 8:9; Phil. 2:6-8
Agape and The Great Controversy in Church History
The battle between Agape and Eros love resulted in Caritas love. These 3 loves have produced the 3 gospels comprising today’s world religions:
The Eros Gospel – (Salvation by Works)
The Caritas Gosepl – (Salvation by Faith Plus Workds)
The Agape Gospel – (Salvation by Grace Alone)
Christ and Peter. The reason being that the English language has only one word for love. But in the Greek, the language of the New Testament, the Bible writers had about four words to choose from. In the first two questions, “do you love me,” Jesus used the word “agapao” which is unconditional love. Peter’s answer both times were “phileo” which means human affection, which, incidentally, is unreliable. (Keep in mind, Peter promised he would never deny Jesus.) In his answer, Peter was admitting that he did not have unconditional love towards Christ. In Jesus ‘third’ question, He used the word “phileo” and Peter was saying in effect, “Yes, Lord you know everything. You know that all I’m capable of is this unreliable human love.” But unlike Peter, Christ’s love for us is unconditional and never fails.
Read the handouts and come prepare to discuss.
9. What draws us to God? Jeremiah 31:3 ___________________
10. What endearing term does God use for His people? I John 3:1,2
11. On what basis should we rely on God for our salvation? 1 John 4:16
12. What does perfect love cast out? 1 John 4:17, 18
13. List the ten things that Paul says cannot separate us from the love of God. Romans 8:35-39
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